Sunday, August 10, 2008

Week 18: Back to the grind

Nothing like another grueling run to erase the half-marathon euphoria. 13 miles? pfffttt. This is now a 16 miler to tell us, hey..'re still not done, you're running the full marathon remember!
I'm not really ready for the 16miles. For one, the euphoria of just finishing a half-marathon is still strong. More importantly, the cold of San Fran seems to have given me a bronchial infection. I have a slight cough and cold and difficulty taking in a deep breath. But can't miss the training. Every run from today onwards is very important.
I decide to take it very easy today. I run a mile and then walk for 1-2 min. I do this right from mile 1 onwards, even if I have the energy.

16 grueling miles later, I've made it.

I'm glad I decided to run and not chicken out. I guess the exercise even helped clear out the mucus from my bronchial tubes and I was breathing well by the evening. But I'm looking forward to the 'down' week next week.

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