Saturday, July 12, 2008

Week 14: Exorcising the woes of trails past

After running frequently on the trails I had begun to form opinions on them, like any other entity that you frequently see.

I did not have a good opinion of the Campbell trail. This could entirely be due to the fact that the trail has not been good to me yet. There are some flat sections, but there are a lot of ups and downs as well. On one occasion I got dehydrated on the trail (week 11), on the other it was 5 agonizing miles when I was just starting out (week 7). I had not gotten a chance to admire the trial or focus on its positives yet.
So when the email implied we were running 12 miles on the Campbell trail, I let out a groan. I immediately checked the weather, and let out a sigh of relief when it predicted cool and cloudy. At least I wouldn't get dehydrated, I think.
I came all prepared this time. Drank water like a horse throughout the week, and came to the run with all 4 bottles filled up. I decided that the only way to change my opinion on of the trail would be to conquer it. I decided to run the 12 miles without stopping. No stops at the water holes, no stops to stretch the legs, nothing. Just get into a running rhythm and stick with it, sipping water out of the fuel belt ever so often.
And things actually go according to plan. The weather stays cool and I keep running. After 8 miles we are back to where we started (which I hate), but I put my head down and keep running. At this point I pick up a running partner (Vivek) who helps carry me the next 3 miles. It makes a big difference when there is someone running with you, as the chitchat really takes the mind off the pain.
On the 12th and last mile, things are not so rosy. I have been running without stopping and the I'm definitely feeling it a bit. But its frankly not too bad. I get to the finish line and feel great. 12 miles and the demons of this trail definitely vanquished.

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