Saturday, June 28, 2008

Week 12: Double Digit Mileage

After last week's experience, I was all prepped this week. All four fuel belt bottles filled up, energy gel in pouch.
Today is the first time we hit double digits. Ten miles. Only 16.2 miles more left to conquer.
We decide to car-pool to the oracle trail. I was going to take my car but the addition of a 6th person to the pool meant we had to substitute with a van. We all meet at the McAfee parking lot.

On the way I know I'm forgetting something, but cant quite place it. Cap, check, car keys, check, sunscreen, check, fuel-belt.. hmm where the heck is the fuel belt? In the truck of my car that's where! Damn!

I tense up. I barely survived last week even with a fuel belt. But today is different, its very cloudy and cool, perfect weather for running. The sun is behind clouds and its even a little foggy. I decide to drink up at all the water stops regardless.

The sights we missed last time are all part of our mileage today. We run along the bay with the water on the right and huge San Mateo bridge looming in the distance. It's a fantastic sight. The trail is 5 miles out and 5 miles back. It takes us up-to and under the San Mateo bridge. We turn back from just past the bridge.
The weather is perfect for running. At the 6 mile mark we stop for water and an energy gel. Not a good idea.
Only take a gel if you really need it. And don't ever gulp the whole packet down, it starts feeling like a blob of atta stuck in the bottom of your stomach. You feel like you've just eaten a heavy dinner. Oh well, some lessons are learnt the hard way.
But this is roses compared to last week. I press on, and finish the 10 miles in about 1hr 45 min. That's about 10.5 min to a mile.

Not bad, not bad at all.


me said...

hey! good to see you are running! keep it up and all the best!

mcd said...

Keep it are running marathon for a cause and my best wishes are always with you