Friday, June 27, 2008

Week 11.5: Interlude

While I'm certainly enjoying the training, it is important to not lose focus on the ultimate objective, which is to raise awareness and funds for ASHA which will all go towards the education of underprivileged children. I have just created my very own fundraising page. Please take a moment to visit and donate generously.

A little poem might help. Credit for this goes to Arjun, a runner in our large group I haven't met yet, but going by his creation below, surely deserves a place in the amateur poets hall of fame:

Little Rani wants to play
yet she sits, kneading sulphur clay

For as the sun glares down, on this dusty town
Fireworks from here, get shipped all around

And by Rani's hands tiny, are these fireworks made,
bought by the rich, at festival's trade.

Little Rani wants to play
yet she sits, kneading sulphur clay

what she needs, at all costs and no delay
Is an education, to make sure she doesn't fritter away

For great ideas and a world full of delights,
await Little Rani, if only she can read and write.

Little Rani wants to play
yet she sits, kneading sulphur clay

So here we jog, in the morning fog
clenching fists hoping they will defrost

and as Team Asha, we run, mile upon mile,
with indomitable spirit, at times cracking jokes puerile

for when we hit that mark, at 26.2, in all that melee
we silently know, that one day will Little Rani play.

Indeed! Indeed!

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