Saturday, April 26, 2008

Week 3: Stretching Again

Another week, another stretching only round, same time, same place. When is the running going to start?! As is evident, I'm really getting into this now and can hardly wait for the actual running to start. Slow and steady is the call. There is no use pushing it.

The next week is when the weekday runs start. Finally!!
Today we have been assigned mentors. Mentors are volunteer asha alumni who have running experience and have run marathons before. Mentors will guide us through weekday runs. Each of us will select a preferred location on where to run on weekdays and specific mentors will be assigned for specific locations.

Recall I mentioned something earlier about waking up early? Well guess what, I have to show up for the weekday runs at 6.30am sharp! My days of lazing around on the bed till 8am are numbered!

I have chosen the Sunnyvale baylands park. It's close to office and home. Finally, the meat of the training starts..

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